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October 03, 2006

signing 'train'

See all the pictures here: signing 'train', originally uploaded by jannacybill.

On Satuday we took a trip into the city to have a picnic by the lake. The real reason for the trip was to finally let Gus get back on the train, and he was loving it. This was the first time he was actually awake for the trip in and out.

It was gorgeous out... Sunny, crisp, a perfect fall day. We found a lovely spot under under a tree by the harbor, put our blanket down, then realized we were sitting on a minefield of goose poop.

Yes. We were.

We decided to eat our lunches quickly, staying on the blanket, since the damage was done to the back side of the blanket. Maybe we were crazy, but it made sense at the time. Gus really did very well, staying within our safety zone, until he tried to lean back on his elbows. Which placed him off the blanket. Where there is a minefield. Of goose poo. Of which his elbow found.

But I digress. That is but a little piece of the entirely beautiful day. Until... the sun started disappearing mysteriously. Then there were dark clouds within minutes. And we realized, holy cow, we are on the lake. Without a car. and there is the most enormous storm coming over us. That's when you fold up your poo blanket, gently place your children in the stroller without freaking them out, and you RUN LIKE HELL.

...and you realize how out of shape you are. But that's another entry.

In case you live in a country that doesn't allow you to see Flickr pictures, I've posted them HERE.

Posted by janna at October 3, 2006 06:03 AM


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