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June 17, 2006

It seemed like a good idea at the time

I bought Gus several pairs of underwear for the eventual and necessary process of potty training. While Gus was super excited to see Thomas the Train, Elmo and Madagascar-themed underwear (who wouldn't be?), he still wasn't feeling the need to put them on. In fact, anytime we mention using the toilet, he says NO.

In the past couple of weeks, Gus has been telling me that he's done his business, one day even clapping for himself after every deed done squarely in his diaper. He even asked me once, for the first time in his life, to change his diaper. These events gave me hope, like maybe we were starting to see signs of readiness.

Flash forward to last night. We were heading out to water the plants after dinner and I decided I needed to change Gus' diaper. Before I got a new diaper on him, I suddenly asked Gus if he wanted to wear underwear. We were going outside, I thought it would be a safe place to try it out. Gus enthusiastically picked out a prime pair of Thomas underwear, donned them and pranced around.

Outside we went. It wasn't long before he had peed. As we were coming in, I realized he had pooed, too. Double whammy.

This is what I learned:
1. It's a process, you can't skip steps.
2. This kind of thing will happen a lot.
3. Gus could care less that his underwear is wet and full of poo...which is supposed to feel bad to a kid. Buns of steel, he has.
4. Poo in underwear. Oh. My. God. My Mom cleaned them for me in the toilet. She has to stay with us, don't leave!
5. I have to figure out a strategy.

Posted by janna at June 17, 2006 06:48 AM


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