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June 06, 2006


Eli is cooooooooooing a lot. Gus is speaking in complete sentences. This week, people, has been an explosion of communication in the DeVylder household. Even John has stepped up his comedic routine...

Eli was 14 weeks yesterday. He has become such an established part of our lives, I find it hard to believe he wasn't always with our family unit. What did we do with all of our free time when we had just one child? Bigger question, what did we do when it was just us? Or single? Whtat the heck did I do all day?

I do have this sickness, where I am more productive when I'm super busy. I need deadlines. Give me two weeks to do something, I may not do it until the last few days if I'm able. If there is something I dread about the task at hand, I will push it off until the inevitable time that I have to complete it. (As I'm typing this, I'm wondering who is reading this, and will any future employer Google me in ten years and read that I consider myself lazy? Will I not get the job? Give me the job, just keep me busy... but don't abuse me. That's not nice.) Parenthood has given us a lot of stuff to deal with, and it has weirdly made me tidier (notice the -er, not totally tidy, just tidiER) at home. (I'm working on the 'only touch something once' mantra, or the 'everything has its place, if you would just freaking put it there' mantra.)

But when it comes to Eli and Gus, I don't want to be super-busy with silly stuff, I want to be busy with play, with soaking them in, with smothering them with kisses because that too is so very fleeting. Gus has now taken to covering his cheeks when he doesn't want me to kiss him, although yesterday he did ASK me to kiss him on his cheek, and gave me a great 'THANKS, MAMA!' afterwards.

Posted by janna at June 6, 2006 07:02 AM


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