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June 21, 2006

16 weeks for Eli

Uh, Eli?

You might need to consider the fact that there's almost no more curve left for you.

We took you to the doctor yesterday for your 4-month check-up, and again, you're on the edge of the curve. You might be off the chart soon if you don't slow down.

Four weeks ago, you were:
15 lbs 6 oz
26 inches

Yesterday, you were:
17 lbs 4 oz (90th percentile)
27 1/4 inches (97th percentile)

Your papa looked at the growth chart, and if you trend on this percentile, statistics would have that you'll be 6 ft 3 inches by the time you're 20.

Let's not think about you being 20 and taller than me. Let's focus on you in your cuddly & love-y state of infanthood.

Infanthood calls for the topic of poop. It's popular among parents of infants, not so much for people who aren't living and breathing diapers. Forget them, this is about you. And I love me a good poop story, so here goes:

You've taken to pooping every two to three days. If it's everyday, it's a total miracle and we jump up and down in poopy joy. You see, when you don't poop, your belly gets really big and full and you wake up several times in the night grunting and kicking your legs up and down, often slamming them on the bed. You pooped on Friday, after several days of not, and I was excited. In order to avoid a mess while changing your diaper, I held your legs up off the table, in turn lifting your butt off the table. As I tuned my attention to cleaning your underside, I realize that you're peeing. You're not just peeing, you're peeing into your ear.

Eli, you peed in your ear. How many people can say that they've done that in their lives? (please don't answer that, I don't want to know)

Grandma Shirley went home today after a week stay. John went to Washington DC for the weekend with his Mom to visit his sister, who is also on bedrest with the third grandchild, another boy! (I'm going to be an auntie, I'm so totally excited about it!). These boys who require bedrest are totally worth it, but I think there might be other ways to get our attention. Anyway, I stayed home with Gus and Eli, and Mom helped me out with that juggle. It was the first time that John and I had been apart since we were married, the first time other than the night Eli was born that John was away from Gus. Firsts firsts firsts.

Posted by janna at June 21, 2006 10:11 PM


I remember when Lucas was about 10 years old and Dwight came across a growth prediction chart. It said he would be 6'3". It was wrong--he's closer to 6'4"! Your Grandad Hicks was 6'4" or 6'5" so the height is in Eli's background. Sixteen weeks old seems a bit young to know so far in the future, but maybe...

Posted by: Pat at June 25, 2006 09:56 PM

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