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April 11, 2006

You're six weeks old?

Elias! What's the big idea, growing so fast?

You are becoming a bundle of personality. You have become quite the talker these days, giving us your opinion on many a topic (especially the topic of 'I'm hungry, feed me already'). You definitely prefer to be held over put down, but are starting to get used to hanging out a bit more in your bouncy seat.

Ah, the bouncy seat. Since that is the place we place you most when not holding you, Gus has taken to sitting in it himself. Luckily, you're out of it most of the time when he does climb in. While you sit, Gus loves to come over to you and tickle your eyes (that's what his caring caress looks like), as he refuses to show his affection on, let's say, the side of your face. But Gus loves you, Eli, and he just can't help himself. He gives you hugs and kisses all the time, and we're trying to explain to him how his body is just a wee bit bigger than yours and it is not to be rested upon you. Again, another hard thing to learn and stop, especially when the love is so big.

Gus is starting to talk directly to you more and more. He often can be heard saying, "It's okay, Eli..." when you're crying. The phrase we hear most from Gus about you is, "I see Eli!" If we don't put you within reach of Gus that instant, we will hear about it. Gus has also started yelling at you. This is a new thing, but I reckon it's just the beginning. It's not really YELLING, it's more being bossy, really. For example, the other morning, as I brought you down to Gus' level (since he demanded to see you), your hand got caught on his shirt. Maybe you grabed it since you're becomming quite grabby these days, but whatever happened, it miffed Gus in such a cute way: "No, Eli, it's MY shirt!" Gus has wanted me to pick him up a couple of times when I'm holidng you, but otherwise seems pretty cool with the situation. This morning, though, we had been playing this stop/go game that we're trying so that Gus learns to STOP when he runs down the sidewalk and we yell stop. I had to feed you, Eli, so I went in the living room. Gus came in, asking me to play more. I told him I would as soon as I was finshed. He walked way, saying, "Oh, man...." I totally cracked up and also felt sad for him. I felt sad for me, too, because he's growing up and the fact that he can show disappointment by saying "Oh, man..." means I'm going to blink and he's going to go to college... I digress.

You love to look around, especially at the crown molding. It's still a favorite. If the TV is on, you will stare at it, so I try to keep you away from that. You'll have plenty of movie time later. You are starting to smile more and more and really enjoy sing-songy voices. You seem to recognize Boob and Guy now as YOUR people, but are mostly content with anyone holding you (except in times of hunger...only Boob will do then).

Your eyelashes have grown out, so light, just like your eyebrows. Your hair seems to be growing a little bit, but not much more than what you had when you were born. You definitely seem heavier and longer than a couple of weeks ago. You still laugh in your sleep occasionally...oh and yes, you're sleeping! Really well! Like three and four hour stretches! You still have about two fussy periods during the day, but they are extremely short and predictable. Now that I've figured out what I can eat and what to avoid (no garlic, tomatoes, onions, citrus, strawberries, corn, peppers, chocolate), you have not had suffering bouts of gas and crying and green poo. Oh, no, friends, the yellow poo is back and we sing a little song of thanks everytime you burp and poop with gusto and ease.

I'm going back to work in about two weeks. While I'm very sad at the prospect, I feel good knowing you're going to be with Gus in a wonderful home, making new friends and learning Spanish.

The good times have just begun. Papa and I just love watching you and Gus grow. We hope we continue to do right by you because we really feel so, so, so lucky to experience life with the two of you.

Posted by janna at April 11, 2006 06:42 AM


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