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April 26, 2006

We're okay, right?

Today is the practice day. The day where both Eli and Gus are at daycare. The day where I can get a haircut and do the things I need to do before going to work tomorrow.

This day is a good day. But it kind of sucks.

Good in that we are starting our routine. Sucky in that I don't have all-day snuggle time with Eli.
Good in that Eli gets to be with really good people all day long...and so do I. Sucky in that it's not the same people at the same time.

I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Don't cry anymore. He's fine. Even though when you called they said he was 'anxious' so they gave him a bath to soothe him, it's fine. He's fine.

It's good that we're doing this today. This way I don't have to go to work and deal with all of the raw emotions AND act excited to be back. My friend Liz told me a trick... chew gum. She said it's impossible to cry and chew gum at the same time.

I have my pack ready.

In a shocking change of events, Eli actually slept pretty well last night! Maybe he knows it's time to hunker down and get into a routine. Good job, Eli!

Posted by janna at April 26, 2006 12:04 PM


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