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April 01, 2006

Embracing our date night

It's totally time.

My name is Janna and I love my Honda Odyssey. WE love it so much that for the last three weekends we have had a family date night in it. I swore I wasn't going to write about it because it's just too damn embarassing, but I love my van...how can I be embarassed by date night in it?

We've had little variation in our date night:
1. We pack up the van with our little peeps.
2. We start up a movie. Today it was Finding Nemo. Yes, we have a DVD player (you see why I crush on this thing?)
3. We drive two miles north.
4. We drive through Pollo Campero and pick up the best fried chicken we have ever eaten. It's not just fried chicken. It's Guatemalan fried chicken. It's heaven.
5. We park in the parking lot not far from Pollo Campero and we eat. And watch movies. And feed Eli.

Three weekends in a row.

We confessed our date night to our friends Dawson and Melissa who visited us today. Their enthusiasm pushed us to have a double date day. We all got in the van, Dawson and Melissa included, and shared in the glory of the chicken.

I have a feeling they'll be calling us for another date. Yes, it's that good.

Posted by janna at April 1, 2006 09:41 PM


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