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March 19, 2006

Three weeks old tomorrow

Eli, how time flies!

Tomorrow you will be three weeks old. It feels like you've been here much longer, while simultaneously it feels like you were just in my belly. I'm already starting to forget how pregnant I felt, and am forgetting the pain I was in after the birth. My body seems to be bouncing back fairly well so now I don't have a reminder every time I move about the labor we went through.

You are very alert when you're awake, especially at three AM. You love it when we hold you in front of us and talk to you. It seems like you are trying to respond because you get this very excited body twitching and noise-making. I'm able to tell the difference between your hunger cry (that's when you go from no crying to an instant, high-pitched squeal), your "my-belly hurts" cry and your "would-you-change my diaper already" cry. You love it when Gus comes up and talks to you, although you're not so crazy about the screams or eye pokes. He means no harm...Gus is so in love with you. Every morning when he sees you he demands that we let him hold you, and we always make that happen. I think the thing he likes the best about you is your sneezing. Gus totally cracks up.

I've been asked quite often if I'm getting used to having two children. I don't know...I know that before you were here I couldn't fathom what having you would be like. I had heard that having a second child was exponentially harder than having one. Now that you're here, I can say that it is harder, in the sense of having to figure out the logistics of everything, but the love and joy you already bring to us overshadows the challenges. Wait until I go back to work, we'll see the challenge of logistics in action.

Posted by janna at March 19, 2006 10:09 PM


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