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March 24, 2006


There are sticks everwhere...the van, the garage, the back porch...

Gus has his own way of classifying the sticks: Papa sticks (typically really thick), Mama sticks (tend to be shorter, thinner), and Baby sticks (itty bitty whispy ones). Sticks are often our only commodity to use to entice Gus to get in the van. If we don't allow him to bring sticks in, we are instantly met with a wailing, heartbroken boy who just wants his "Baaaayyyybbbbeeeee stiiiiiiicckkkkk," damn it.

Now that we have an infant in the back with Gus, we're carefully watching to be sure Gus doesn't use the sticks to see how 'done' Eli is, but the benefits of our growing wood pile outweigh the possibility. Now, were we still in the wagon, it would have been a bigger issue. They have a vast chasm between them now, so much so that Gus often asks, "Where's Eli??"

Posted by janna at March 24, 2006 03:54 PM


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