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March 06, 2006

It's not always like riding a bike

I must admit, Eli, I did decidedly less reading and prepping for your arrival thann I did with Gus. I occasionally checked a pregnancy book to see where you were in the timeline, but no other books were cracked open and no discussion lists were joined. It wasn't because I felt like I was an expert in all things baby, I think it was because I thought things would just 'come back' to me.

They don't.

I forgot that I have to burp you after you eat. I totally forgot about the spit up. I forgot that we have to clean around your umbilical cord with alcohol. I forgot that I have to hold you tightly against me when standing up because your movements can be so strong and swift and unexpected. I forgot that you might be nocturnal, choosing to spend your daily awakeness after midnight. I forgot how many diapers and clothes and burp cloths we would go through.

We're figuring it all out again.

There are some new things I never expected. I never expected for you to fit so quickly and naturally into our lives, Eli. I thought we'd all be reeling with the newness of a fourth family member and ackwardly transitioning to your presence, but we haven't floundered yet. I never expected Gus to so quickly embrace you, with my fear of him losing his only child status obviously being my own fear and not his.

I did expect, and it's been totally confirmed, that we would be so in love with you. No doubt about it.

We're on our way for our first family outing to the doctor's office for the boys. (The BOYS! That's how my Grandma would refer to her brood of four.) Wish us luck getting out the door.

Posted by janna at March 6, 2006 07:35 AM


I think the practice baby doll made a big difference. And of course all the words of wisdom offered up from The Guy.

Posted by: alyssa at March 6, 2006 08:16 PM

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