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March 28, 2006

Elias is 4 weeks old

Warch out, we have two GROWING boys on our hands. I'm having visions of needing two fridges, buying four gallons of milk and four loaves of bread a week. I have visions of future hunger, insatiable hunger coupled with unabounding energy as my boys grow stronger and bypass me in height by the time they're 14.

Case in point:
At one week, Eli was 21.5 inches long and was 8 lbs 5 oz.
Three weeks later, he's 22.5 inches and 10 lbs 4 oz.

That's a lot of growing. No wonder he's nursing all the time. He's got the double chin and his legs are getting those lucious rolls.

Maybe that's why I'm so hungry, too. That would be a good excuse, eh?

All else looks pretty good. He's got a touch of goopy eye and a lingering diaper rash, but we should be able to clear those up soon. He had one shot, which was plenty, and experienced his first 'silent' cry... the one where the cry is so severe that his mouth is open, his face scrunched in pain, but no sounds are coming out. Horrible. That's where the magic of the boob comes in. I was saying to John, wouldn't it be nice if the boob could create world peace, too? It seems like it could be that powerful.

Posted by janna at March 28, 2006 10:46 AM


John and I have this shorthand reference for when we are witnessing such child hunger, it's taken from a commerical from a few years ago, I don't even remember what it was for. But in the ad, the parents of several teenage boys are constantly caught by how much they eat. The dad passes one of the boys standing in front of the open fridge and he is aghast: "Are you eating BUTTER?"

Posted by: Kate Boyd at March 30, 2006 12:27 PM

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