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February 13, 2006

we're home

BUT...there is progress.

I eventually fell aslepp around 5:30, woke up a couple of hours later to some more contractions, and we decided to call my doc to see what we should do. We went to the hospital to be put on the monitors and to get checked out, to see what was going on, but alas, the contractions stopped. I think I was finally relaxed enough knowing that Gus was in a good place and we were there and I was mentally ready for it all to happen... and it stopped.


Good news: I'm at 3 cm, so we're getting there.

We were quite the sight, trying to get out of the house this morning. We were able to get Gus fed and dressed and out the door in the best of spirits, all without making him feel rushed (quite a feat as he hates being rushed). We get into the car, push the garage door opener. The door won't open. IT WON'T OPEN. After John manually opens it, he's pulling into the alley and notices... the garabe truck in the way. I was crying from laughing so hard. Thank goodness it wasn't a 'get-to-the-hospital-in-five-minutes' kind of situation, because we would have had panic.

When we walked Gus into daycare, five of the kids were sitting on the couch, waiting patiently for something. One friend says, "I want to give Gussie a hug and kiss." Gus turns around and has the biggest grin on his face, he's so happy. Gus wanted to get on the couch, so they shifted the kids over. The same friend says, "Gus, you want to sit by me?" and Gus says, "OK!!"

I almost started bawling right there. He's a total little boy now, with friends and language and expressions. We said bye to the crew, and another friend says, "Bye Gussie's Mama and Papa!"

Heart-melting. I love tihs parenting business.

Posted by janna at February 13, 2006 02:08 PM


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