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February 22, 2006

Stay in there a bit longer, E.

Amazing how the tides can turn. One minute I'm WILLING Baby E to come, now I'm BEGGING him to wait. The croup has a hold of Gus, it woke him early this morningt in quite a coughing fit, which really seemed to scare him. Who can blame him, the wracking cough seizes your chest and makes it difficult to get air in.

The breathing treatments do seem to help tremendously. He sits on John's lap as we blast the TV so we can distract him above the small airplane engine sound of the nebulizer, his breathing treatment machine. John holds the mask in front of his face. We're trying to make it fun, calling it the robot, letthig him clean out the parts and pieces after each treatment in the sink. It's a farce, I know, but maybe by the end of this week he'll be holding the mouthpiece by himself. Wishful thinking?

Thank goodness for John. I can't physically pick up Gus right now, have no real lap of which to speak of, and medicine time is definitely a two-person job (this is where I call for a round of applause for all those single parents out there who do it all by themselves).

Gus is asleep right now, even though he woke up about 30 minutes ago with another fit of coughing. He's so so tired, he can't even be tempted by PBS kids shows to come in the living room. I really wanted to get a treatment going, get some new medicine in him, but I can't compete with sleep. Even if it is fitful, he's getting some right now, and that seems to trump it all.

Hey Fever? Hey Cough? Get the heck out of here. You are SO unwelcome right now, you have no idea.

Posted by janna at February 22, 2006 06:53 AM


Hey Gus, sorry to hear you are feeling bad this week. I happen to have the coolest mask for your nebulizer and I will try and send it to you this week. It looks like a dinosaur and it smells yummy too. Even if you don't need it by the time it gets there, you can put it away in case you need it later. What are Respiratory Therapists Aunt's good for if not new and entertaining equipment? Take care little buddy and do your treatments like a big boy. Love you all

Posted by: Aunt Deb at February 22, 2006 08:51 AM

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