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January 15, 2006

Tick faster, clock....no wait, stop ticking

I am so fricking conflicted right now.

I look at the rings left on my paper chain. After today, there are 12 rings. Twelve days.

On Saturday, January 28th, I want to go out of the house.
On Saturday, January 28th, I want to stay curled up in bed, not disturbing the uterus.

I want to cook. A huge meal. With many complicated steps and many lovely flavors...and then, then I want to do dishes. All of them. I want John to sit on the couch, feet up, beer in hand, waiting for me to bring out dinner. While dinner is cooking, I want to go downstairs and put the fifth load of laundry in the dryer because I can. After that is started, I'll skip upstairs, run up to Gus and pick him up and tickle him and hug him and kiss him and just hold his head on my shoulder and argue with him about how I love him.

If I do those things, I will have a baby on January 29th.

Are we ready to have another baby? (I know, should have thought of that on our anniversary...)

This bedrest has given me a distraction. Instead of worrying about the logistics of having two children, I've worried about keeping this new babe safe, healthy, strong. Instead of worrying about how Gus is going to understand having a sibiling and the impact it will have on his life, I worry about Gus doing some kind of WWF move on my belly.

Tomorrow Gus is going to daycare and John and I have the day off. We thought about cheating and taking me to a movie, but the thought of sitting upright for more than two hours makes my body ache in anticipation, so we've nixed it.

Baby E needs these days. I know if he were to come now his chances of survival are extremely high and at worst he would be in the hospital for a bit, but I'd rather wait until he's able to come home with me 48 agonizing hours after giving birth.

So, Baby E. We are so excited to meet you, but could you get a little more fat on those bones before you say hi?

Posted by janna at January 15, 2006 10:01 PM


okay young lady... I am basing my response on two things...

1.) I visited with Gramma V yesterday and I have reflected on what she might have told you and...

2.) My Mother Ann would not blink an eye in stating the following..(which is what I think Gramma V might have suggested)

"When in doubt....wait."

Sorry, sweetie. not really, you always do the right thing, even when it is different than what is suggested. only you know what is best.

Posted by: Aunt Deb at January 16, 2006 06:19 AM

I just had another thought... I know you are probably tired of my thoughts and it seems like I am posting too many these days, but...bear/bare (no pun intended)with me... How about on the 28th, you have a delivery dinner? you can have someone deliver a big mac with all the trimmins' and whatever else anyone there would want...that way, John doesn't have to cook, you have a legitimate reason to induldge and best of all, no dishes? you could also rent a funny movie that everyone would enjoy and pretend to be out at the theatre...just a thought...boring, but a thought just the same.... Either way, the 28th is the end of that darned paper chain, and some sort of celebration is "by-gaaawd" waranted...

Posted by: aunt deb at January 18, 2006 04:37 PM

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