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January 01, 2006

Oh my.


We're having a baby in 2006.

The year is here. It seemed far away, and now bedrest doesn't seem long enough, the days aren't long enough. They will tumble by and suddenly we will have a baby.

I'm very excited, don't get me wrong, but wow. It will be quite an amazing ride.

I've gotten many good wishes and notes from people, saying they can't wait to hear about the good news at the end of January. I think I need to set the record straight... I don't think I want to have a baby at the end of January. I know I can, I know we'll have a 36-weeker, but I think I'd like to push it into February a bit. (I realize how ridiculous it is for me to be writing about this since a. the baby will come when he damn well pleases, and b. I can't schedule everything in my life)

See, if he waited until February a bit, I could be off bedrest for at least a week or so, being out and about... OUT OF THE HOUSE. Maybe I could go to a movie. Maybe John and I could get one more date in before babysitters are just not options for a good while. Once Baby E is here, I am happily teathered to him or a pump, so it is best to take advantage of this window of opportunity.

I appreciate the excitement, let's just push it a week or two!

Posted by janna at January 1, 2006 10:03 AM


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