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January 09, 2006

A three-day difference is not insignificant

Today at my doctor's appointment, we asked the nurse if anything special was happening at this appointment(seems there is always some kind of test or process to go through). She looked in my chart and said, "Okay, with a due date of February 28th, that puts you at 32 weeks and 6 days."

Uh, wait... our due date is February 25th, we hit 33 weeks last Saturday.

No... that is the date the ultrasound said, we're going by your 'cycle' which puts you at February 28th.

My brain quickly determined the fact that my paper chain was wrong. We had been planning everything around January 28th as the 'day of freedom'. In fact, it's the 31st.

The doctor came in. I asked her which date I should be going by. She said the 28th.

"Well, I'm STILL going off of bedrest on January 28th," I said.

"I didn't hear that," she said. "I'm on call that weekend, so that's okay."

Wait, wait, wait. It's not like I'm going to suddenly have a baby the minute I start walking more than twenty feet, right?

My Mom. She reads this. She's all about going by the rules. She's coming to town the weekend of the 28th. We are going out to eat, damn it. January 28th. Mom, don't you dare tell me to sit down. :)

Baby E's head is down, that big wave and lump I feel is him turning on his side. Everything on the outside looks great. So great, in fact, I don't have to go back for two weeks. It almost turns out to be more than two weeks since it's not until the 26th.

Pros: I don't have to go back for two weeks, meaning she thinks I'm doing well and keeping things steady.

Cons: I'm in the house for two-plus weeks.

I'm glad I like it here.

Posted by janna at January 9, 2006 06:45 PM


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