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September 08, 2005

I'm going to hell for saying this...

... but baby D2 looks like the aliens that people have drawn throughout the years. We had our ultrasound on Tuesday, and every angle and shape looked like pure baby. Long legs, nice spine, nose, eyes, fingers, feet...but the one picture the tech managed to print out looked exactly like this:

Alien with moving eyes

Right after the pictures printed, the power went out across the entire hospital. I'm not kidding.

Baby D2, I'm glad you're our alien. It explains so much.

I'll scan in the picture this weekend.

We had an appointment with our doctor this morning to go over the results and have my monthly check-up. Baby is measuring at the perfect size (we're 16 weeks on Saturday), the cervix is looking normal...BUT. It looks like I have partial or marginal placenta previa, I can't remember which one now, which means that the edge of the placenta is partially over the opening of the cervix. It most likely will move out of the way as the uterus grows, but still...I did not need yet another cervical thing to worry about!

Posted by janna at September 8, 2005 11:02 PM


Hey, How are you Gus? I was so happy to hear how well you are doing in your cool new Big Boy Bed! I have heard that Curious George loves it when you get a new bed! Did he adjust as well as you did? Let me know. I am excited to hear more about your new little sibling, so keep us posted. You have so much to teach that little kid, I can hardly wait. Take care, I am still loving your website. Aunt Deb

Posted by: Aunt Deb at September 18, 2005 01:52 AM

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