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August 15, 2005

How can I write about this?

I really needed a video camera with me to truly capture this moment.

I took Gus to the infamous boat playground after work today. As we were leaving, we went over to a woman sitting on the bench with her baby, who was sitting in his stroller. He was four months old. After flirting and being elusive for a bit, Gus suddenly walks over to the baby, holds his hands straight in front of him towards the baby, starts grunting and speaking in tongues, then emphatically signing and saying 'alligator' and dramatically walking away.

The other mom was laughing and laughing...I then translated for her:

"I impart all of my knowledge to you, oh small one. When you are eating solids in two months, remember, it is your job to spit the food out. That is all."

Posted by janna at August 15, 2005 08:09 PM


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