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August 28, 2005

Back at it

Lots to catch up on, better get started.

Update on Gus, the toddler with the most edible cheeks in town:
1. Gus can count to TWO
2. He knows the colors yellow, purple and blue
3. Says 'MONEY' loudly whenever we take our atm card out or have any bills and change. He loves money so much that we bought him a piggy bank at Ikea. As I was raiding my wallet for change, I was obviously not passing it over to him fast enough for deposit as he clawed at my hands, yelling, 'MINE!'
4. Did I mention he's in to saying that everything is MINE?
5. When he sees his own picture, and we ask him who it is, Gus says, "Me!"
6. He's starting to say I love you, and can sign it, too...he usually says 'Papa!' after uttering his phrase, so adorable.
7. We're really into saying NO this week in a dramatic and pouty way. I'm just trying to let him feel the way he feels, all the while cursing the most collosal evil tooth making its way into his mouth, most obviously the root of all his troubles. Not sure what excuse I'll come up with when his mouth is full of teeth.
8. Yesterday we bought a toddler bed at Ikea. Big deal. HUGE. We set it up today, but left his crib in there, as well. I'm a little paranoid about having Gus downstairs once baby is here and needs a crib, so I'm hoping we might have a little room sharing upstairs. That's a long ways away, but in the meantime...we're trying to figure out a strategy for moving him into the bed. The thing is, he doesn't climb out of his crib, but he's just so damn tall that it really is cramping his style. We put a gate on his bedroom door and tried to see if he would fall asleep on his bed for a nap. Nope, although he does like the bed. We'll try again tonight.
9. Gus did really well in Michigan. We rented a house in Saugatuck, about 3 1/2 hours away from here just minutes from the lake. We were in the woods, surrounded by quiet. There were wild turkeys, deer, hummingbirds.... lots of food, tons of sleep, darkness (we no longer know darkness living so close to Chicago), great friends for half the stay (Maddie, Ben and baby Pearl, you cutest pumpkin, you). It was actually cold for most of our trip, so Gus actually wore socks for the first time in months. I'm glad I played the paranoid Mama part and packed all that stuff for him. Just sorry I didn't do the same for John and I. There were no computers, only TV was for the DVD player, and I just totally felt more relaxed than I have in a really long time. Maybe it was all the bacon I ate.
10. Gus ate in Chinatown twice within 24 hours. Grampa is in town with his wife, Sue, so we got to have some time with them enjoying some dinner and dim sum...yum!

Update on Baby D2:
1. We're at 14 weeks, yippee!
2. I feel like my belly and, um, other parts have exploded this week. Oh, 14-year old chest, I will miss you. I'll see you in, oh... two years. Damn.
3. We'll have our first ultrasound on the 6th. That will be our first check to see if my cervix has become a bit tougher than it was with Gus. Everyone, cross all fingers and toes on this one, and chant, "NO BED REST... NO BED REST..." (It is totally worth it if that's the case, but really... keep chanting.)
4. I had my first little twang of freak out the other night, just feeling like I couldn't possibly go through another delivery, could I? Then I thought about how amazing Gus is and was instantly convinced that I could. I just won't eat Chinese food two hours before going in to the hospital. That should help at least one aspect of the delivery. Anyhoo.
5. I'm really trying to not eat sushi. I haven't, but I keep thinking that if I went to a really good place it would totally be fine, and Japanese pregnant women must be indulging, no?

Update on John:
1. He's already starting to scold me for moving furniture. I love him.
2. John hung out with Gus on Thursday and Friday when I went back to work. Back to daycare tomorrow, and all his friends (Gus, that is... John is going back to work, tee hee)!

Pictures of Michigan are to come...

Posted by janna at August 28, 2005 04:33 PM


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