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July 20, 2005

Fake sleeping??

Coming home from dinner out, I hear Gus in the back making what sounds to be a light whimpering sound. Since I'm driving, I turn my head as much as I can, making sure he's okay.

He is slouched down, head over to his shoulder, eyes kind of shut and breathing irregularly.

I'm thinking, is the strap choking him? Was the soup too much? One too many french fry?

I ask John to see if he thinks he's okay.

Suddenly Gus pops up and laughs and laughs... he was fake sleeping! The whimpering? Fake snoring! I asked him, are you sleeping? He instantly put his head back down, closed his eyes, and 'snored'. He even had a grumpy scowl on his face.

What else is he learning at daycare?

Posted by janna at July 20, 2005 10:20 PM


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