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June 22, 2005

Reason #3,234,543 for loving John

I am very good at doing laundry.
I am very good at folding laundry.
I am HORRIBLE at getting those nicely-folded clothes up to our attic bedroom.
I can get it to the living room, no problem, and there it will sit for a day, or two, or four, (or, *wince*, more).
I hope by admitting this publicly I can shame myself into improving.

I think a large part of my problem was not feeling like our closet system really worked.

But tonight? Tonight John surprised me.

I asked him to carry the baskets upstairs for me, as once they're there I have an even better chance of putting them away...although some time often passes then, too. (But it's folded, and cleaned! Not good enough?)

After Gustav's bath, we went upstairs to see what John was doing. I figured he was just putting the clothes away since we hadn't heard from him.

Oh no, it was so much more.

I looked on our shelves and saw the neatest pile of shirts, skirts and pants. John says and does nothing else but this.

You fold your pants like that and you always put them there. You fold your skirts like that and you always put them there. You fold your shirts like that and you always put them there.

I almost cried, I was so geekily happy. A system devised by someone other than me, the ultimate gift!

John, surprise me some more! How about that sock drawer?? My pile of paid bills?

Posted by janna at June 22, 2005 10:31 PM


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