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June 03, 2005

I've got you pegged, Gus.

I know your secret. You wait, oh so patiently, until we ALMOST get there, there being home, or landing or just before we park to get out of the car. You are a sleeping opportunist. You refuse to fall asleep shortly after embarking, oh that would be too convenient for your parents. Let's take our trip to Iowa this past weekend. We drove all the way from Chicago to Iowa City, three hours, and when did you fall asleep? As we were exiting the interstate to go meet Grandma at the mall. Seriously, Gus. Then as we were coming back, you did sleep from Ottumwa to Davenport, but after a lunch of running and fun, you stayed awake...until we got off the interstate in Oak Park. You needed that nap so badly, so we kept the car open in the garage and did some gardening and cleaning up in the alley as you snoozed.

It does make us laugh in that exasperated kind of way.

We had a great time visiting Ken & Deb and Mom. Traveling with a walking toddler is a whole new ballgame, but Gus was really flexible and patient with all the car trips. I love watching him interact in new situations, starting off shy, then flirting, then asking for more attention. Charming, charming boy. I watch him and think, John and I are doing a good job with Gus, if I may pat myself on the back.

Memorial Day pictures

Posted by janna at June 3, 2005 09:10 PM


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