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June 30, 2005

Gus is all boy now

You do not let Gus play outside unless you're willing to deal with the consequences, particularly when you're living in the midst of what seems to be a drought. (Ok, it rained last night for a whole 20 minutes. My grass is still dead.) Drought = dry = dirt. Lots of dirt. If there's not dirt, there's the sap that the pine tree is sweating.

Gus, I have an idea. Go roll around in the sap, THEN play with the dirt. Better idea... take Papa's empty ice tea glass and put dirt in it.

Then we'll dip you in rubbing alcohol to get the sap off. Fun.

Every day for the past week, when I pick Gus up from daycare, the first thing he does when he sees me is put his hands to his head. No, it's not exasperation. He wants me to sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes". It is bordering on obsession.

Head we have, knees and toes are really nailed down (so much so that for most of the song Gus is just sweeping his hands from his knees to his toes, again and again). The shoulders do not yet exist, but eyes and mouth and nose are constants.

Gus has started climbing. On furniture. Does this mean he's going to climb out of bed soon? Just rip my heart out of my chest, no anesthetic needed, I'm numb from the shock of my baby being a little boy.

The other day he opened the door between the kitchen and the back porch. I almost fell to my knees, saying, NOOOOOOOO!

Feeling dramatic tonight, my apologies. I love him so.

Pictures of Gus, Zeppo, and dirt

Posted by janna at June 30, 2005 10:29 PM


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