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May 17, 2005

The power of PLEASE

Simple sentences.


expressed while signing and speaking at the same time.

Do you have any idea how cute that is? Gus could be asking for a pound of sugar and I just might consider giving it to him, simply because he asked so nicely and so cutely.

Another example of cuteness:

While in the car on the way home, I took Gustav's shoes off, and then he pulled his socks off. When we came inside and John put him down on the kitchen floor, Gus turned around and signed 'COLD' while saying BRRRR!

Another example?

Gus has a really cute way of expressing his anger and frustration (is that okay for me to think that it's cute?). If we take something away from him, or tell him no, Gus slaps both of his legs, scowl on his face, and he growls out a deep 'HRRRRRRRRRR'. This all happens simultaneously, and usually more than once. Sometimes we ask him what's wrong, other times we try to ignore it because we don't want to make a big deal about it. The hardest part is knowing the best way to respond, but we most certainly know that laughing does not fly. Gus is understandably sensitive enough to feel even more frustrated when we laugh. I don't really feel like making him feel silly, since some day his expression of frustration, or expression of anything, will be exactly what we want to encourage, not discourage. I've met 14-year-old boys who barely talk, I'm going to try my best to encourage him to keep it up, whatever the message.

Gus signing AGAIN to John while in Milwaukee...John was running and pushing Gus around in circles, fun fun!


Posted by janna at May 17, 2005 09:15 PM


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