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February 28, 2005

The best first toilet experience ever

Let me state for the record that we are not potty TRAINING. Gus knows how to 'go', he just needs to figure out, when he's ready, that it's much more fun to go in a toilet than in his diaper. (Although, have you seen a public restroom lately? makes me wish I had a Depends on.)

In the spirit of making the kiddie toilet just a regular fixture in the house, I bought a kiddie toilet. The first phase of the toilet is freestanding. Gus will be able to sit on it and do his business in this removable bowl (which has a little boy pee guard, so cute). Next, we'll be able to put the kiddie seat on the adult toilet, with the base becoming a step stool.

I didn't put the freestanding toilet in the bathroom yet, oh no. It's sitting among his toys in the living room. I'm hoping that Gustav's first action regarding the toilet is NOT indicative of future usage.

Gus walked over, looked at the removable bowl, stuck his pointy finger in it, then gingerly brought his finger to his mouth and stuck it in.

Oh my.

First thought, smart boy! That's what we do with his food, check to make sure it's not too hot.

Second thought, poopy mouth! We better watch you!

Gus claps and cheers when he sits on it, but for the most part he's just using the toilet to hold his puzzle pieces. Our son, an equal opportunity utilitarian.

As for the walking? In the past day or two he's begun to make the 'running' sound as he walks fast. You know, the sound you would make if you were running. He's really trying.

I thought he'd take his time?

Posted by janna at February 28, 2005 10:48 PM


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