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February 19, 2005

Pickles and Peas

Confession: I gave Gus a dill pickle today, one of those long, quarter-cut ones.

We were eating out for lunch. The people at the table next to me were watching the whole thing. I had to tell them I wasn't a bad mother (right? right?).

But the thing is, I KNEW he would get that sour look on his face. And he did. But that didn't stop him from eating more, and more!

I'd like to state, for the record, that he did have a lot of other food for lunch, not just the pickle.

To illustrate how big Gus is getting:

He can eat four to five peas at once. From a fork.

He can walk from the kitchen to the living room...without falling.

He can say shoe shoe shoe while throwing shoes off the display at Nordstroms.

He says "balloon" when we pull into the grocery store parking lot because he remembered that is where he sees balloons. Ok, it sounds more like "boo", but it means the same thing...or else shopping is scary!

He makes people say things like, "He's adorable!" unsolicited...but once that is said, the charm is turned up a notch.

He doesn't cry when he's getting his first professional haircut (I don't count our attempt as a real haircut). I'll post pictures tomorrow, Gus fell asleep tonight before I could get the 'after' pic. I must say, he looks great!

Posted by janna at February 19, 2005 10:18 PM


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