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February 10, 2005

He's totally on his way back

Happy, happy boy.

I can hear Gus breathing deeply through the monitor. Sometimes I'll go into the bathroom and stand right next to the monitor, listening intently to his little sounds. I can tell when it's safe to take our noisy stairs without risk of waking Gus up. I can also tell when Gus is shifting and restless. The restless sleep has been with us the past couple of weeks while Gus has battled the SICKNESS (in its many permeations). Tonight, though...sweet, sweet, deep breathing. No coughing. Happy sleeping boy = happy almost sleeping me!

When I picked Gus up tonight, Cristy said he's officially walking, at least he's attempting it at every possible opportunity.

We stopped at the store to pick up some milk. Right when we walked in the door, Gus said, "Mmmmmm....." I love him.

This morning, John and I went to visit our lawyer. It was time to set up a will and healthcare power of attorney. What an experience. I say that only because we had to really confront all of these different scenarios, and it's not often that you're given the space and time where you're forced to think of such things. I found it interesting that instead of focusing on the thought of one of us dying, I focused on the logistics surrounding a death. Where would people find our wills? Where should we put them? If I put it in a safe deposit box, how will people know where to find it? If I put it in a fire-proof box at home, what if I lose the key? In these scenarios, I always made it be me who died, rather than John. John wasn't so happy that I kept being the example, but it was easier for me. I'm glad we finally got this all together, made plans for Gus... it's one less BIG thing to worry about.

[checking yet another thing off the list....]

Posted by janna at February 10, 2005 09:54 PM


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