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January 19, 2005

The sweetest sound


Why is there no way to bottle sweetness? By sweetness, I mean the soft muttering of 'Ma-ma....ma-ma.....ma-ma' that Gus sometimes makes to himself. Whenever I hear it, I want to capture it somehow and roll around in it and never forget it.

Then I get sad that I don't get to be with him all the time.... then I feel so glad that he gets to be in such a wonderful place like Cristy's home.... then I wish I could just stay at Cristy's and watch Gus with all the kids.... then I'm really glad that I get to do the work I enjoy.... then I'm okay for another month. :)

Ah, Gus. You are learning so much so quickly. You now sign 'cookie' for about any bread product you see. When we went to Iowa last weekend for Grandma Shirley's birthday, your language just exploded even more. Grandma Shirley has quite the influence on your signing. In fact, Cristy asked me the other day what the sign for poo poo was. I showed her (basically pinching your nose) and she said, no, that's not what he signed. When she showed me what he signed, I couldn't believe it...whenever Cristy or Elodia says poo poo, Gus signs diaper! It's stuff like that, the learning that I didn't even know was happening, that both excites and frightens me.

Janna, you have to stop swearing, you must, you must...

Here are some pics from Iowa.

(the pictures are backwards... the first picture is the last picture on page three. I'm too tired to change that fact. I believe we'll all be stronger because of it.)

Highlights/Memories of the trip, in no particular order:

-Gus first stepping in Meesha dog's bowl of water with his shoe on, and then subsequently being caught with a piece of dog kibble chewed up in his mouth. Yes, my son ate dog food. I'm a horrible parent.
-Sorting through boxes of my stored stuff at my Mom's house. Notable finds include: zipper earrings, purple telephone earings, my baby ring, my Cabbage Patch animal birth certificate... and too many big hair pictures of myself.
-Going to the zoo when it's five degrees outside.
-Seeing Sue's new home and having a slumber party there.
-Cooking up Pork Medallions, Juila Childs-style, for Mom's birthday. The French know how to eat, dammit. The banana bread pudding was pretty amazing, too.
-Seeing Missy, Pete, Sarah, Pat and all the kids...
-Taking a nap on my mom's couch.
-Gus napping twice every day we were in Iowa. Miracle of all miracles!
-Saying goodbye to Sue's love, Snoopy dog, and saying hello to a new love, Tasha.
-Just being around my Mom.

good night...

Posted by janna at January 19, 2005 11:01 PM