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January 25, 2005

how much can (or should) happen in 24 hours?

Ok, I'm tired. But enough about me.

Gus is on day two of a fever. He woke up yesterday morning with a temp of 101. I took him to daycare after it seemed to go down, but was called to pick him up early as it had spiked again. It lingered today, as well, so we went to the doctor's.

A double ear infection.

I blame milk. All of this sickness has really come about since Gus has started drinking milk. I guess I should also blame his age and daycare and winter, but that's too easy. Milk? It's more fun to blame. Damn you, dairy, and your mucous-creating ways.

So if these things weren't enough for one day, let me go on.

Gus was up all night. I was deliriously tired. I had him in bed with us. I was sleeping on John's side. I fell asleep while nursing Gus. I woke up to a THUD.

And the "Bad Mother of the Day" award goes to.... the woman who let her son fall off the bed.

Why am I even putting this out there? I feel like hell about it. HE'S FINE, I should mention, it just scared him more than anything. My heart was racing.

This is not the news I will end this entry with, though. Oh no. Gus showed me that no fall was going to stop him from...


This is why he had ear infections, this is why he had a fever, this is why I stayed home today. I needed to witness his first steps. He took three steps towards the couch after I let go of his hand. The look of pride on Gustav's face was amazing. He was full of joy. I literally jumped up and down, I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't believe how excited I was about it. I thought I might be almost sad, but no. I was invigorated. At the doctor's office, he did it two more times, both walking from the toy table to me, about three or four steps.

Next week: running.

But in the meantime, if Gus wakes up tonight, I may just put some chairs up to the side of my bed, for protection. My Grandma used to do that. When I would visit, she would put two or three of the dining room chairs against my bed so that I wouldn't fall on the floor. That didn't keep me from getting up and stepping on a toothpick that stayed in my foot for three months, but that's an entirely different story. I'll let you wonder.

Posted by janna at January 25, 2005 09:27 PM



Oh my - this is a big deal. Maybe the thud to the floor was what he needed to activate his walking gene.

Ever think of that?

Aww - Gussie!

Posted by: alyssa at January 26, 2005 10:31 AM

Walking? Holy Cow, Gus! That is amazing...I can't believe it. There is no stopping you now, Buddy. Zeppo, did you hear that? He is ambulatory! Take your favorite treats and hide, or at least sleep with one eye open. The up side is, that there will be more places to score bits of food for you.

Jeez, Janna. Remember all those times you heard people tell your Mom, "enjoy her now, it goes by so fast," and you probably thought it was silly. What do you think now?

I really "got it" after I had children of my own. It seems like they are hanging on to you tightly today, and you tuck them into bed with Curious George, and then one day you are shocked when they tell you that they think they "will be going to the U of I" in just one short year. . .

Hug that little squirt for me! (if you can catch him!)

Posted by: Aunt Deb at January 28, 2005 08:57 PM

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