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January 30, 2005

An 'almost' walking machine

Yesterday was a big confidence day for Gus. Every opportunity he saw for flashing his new walking skills, he tried to take it. The best part was watching his face as he was preparting to walk. He would scan the space for a moment, have this smile and go. Sometimes it was just a couple steps, other times it was about four steps. He started walking out into the open expanse of the room, with no near safety net. He would fall and catch himself, still happy.

I love it all.

With Gus being 24 pounds now, I think I'm ready for some independent mobility. My back is, at least!

Posted by janna at January 30, 2005 07:40 AM


Gus, I am sooooo proud of you. You go, boy!

Remember your first "walking shoes" Janna, John? Probably not, but look at the pictures. It is amazing how the circle goes around, isn't it? My first walking shoes (from photos) were; stiff, ankle high, with a hard one piece sole, and polished no doubt. Alex's first walking shoes were a much softer version, then straight into those "only grandma can afford or will buy these" Nike baby sneakers. Now, pediatricians prefer that babies are left "shoeless" until they really start moving around, then only a soft supportive shoe. A much better idea as far as I am concerned. How about you Gus? Really, the circle began much the same, shoeless and then probably something soft tied on.

Just remember, Gus, I am not the Grandma, but I am the "willing to spoil" aunt deb. I will be right here waiting for you to let me know when I can buy those ugly cowboy boots, (very popular with shorts among the 4 yr old group) or the ugly tennies that everyone else shakes their head at!

Everyone needs a "favorite" aunt. This is not to be confused with the "best" aunt. No, this is the aunt who just thinks on your level. Wait, you will see. My favorite aunt always seemed to have gum. Hopefully, I can fill that bill.

love ya, buddy.

aunt deb

Posted by: aunt deb at January 30, 2005 08:20 AM

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