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October 14, 2004

It's Coming!

Top right tooth. One corner is pushing its way out. Our little Gus is about to have a tooth seven months after we thought his first teeth were coming in.

Now let's think about the impact of said tooth:

Good for shaving pieces of food off a chunk o' something
Good for flashing that baby 'toothy grin'
Good for corn-on-the-cob eating (he's half Iowan, come on!)
Bad for painfully coming in
*Potentially* bad for, ummm, nursing... at least at first.

Another new thing: Gus is pulling himself up to standing, at least now when he is sitting. He hasn't quite found out how to sit up from lying down, but the strength with which he pulls himself up makes me think it's not far. Once he is standing, he actually tries to pull himself up on whatever he is holding onto.

Tonight Gus was a sly little bugger...
He crawled his way over to a lamp cord. I said my usual, "Gustav... no, no, no!"
and moved him back to his toys, saying my usual, "These are for Gustav."

He instantly turned around and crawled back to the cord.


He snaps his head towards me, with this look of 'what? I'm not doing anything!'

Then, there it was. The mischevious smile. Oh, it was different than his usual smile. It was purposeful, it was KNOWING.

I started laughing. (bad, bad, bad to laugh when trying to reinforce something so serious!)

He then kept going towards the cord.

I picked him back up again. Back to the toys.

I feel like I've made the cord more appealing because we won't let him touch it. There are plenty of things in the house that he DOESN'T touch that I don't care about. How can I reverse the psychology?

Posted by janna at October 14, 2004 09:16 PM