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August 20, 2004


Gus is back!

After several days of staying home from daycare due to the hand, foot and mouth, Gus went back to daycare today. His blisters are close to gone. You would never suspect anything just looking at him now. Gus is also eating and sleeping normally now. Way to bounce back, Gus!

The bad news. We found out tonight that our little neighbor girl, Emily, who is six months old, got the sickness...from Gus. We saw them on Friday night, before we knew Gus had it, and he had sucked on one of Emily's toys for about a minute. That's all it took. This disease can't help itself. I felt so guilty. Certainly one of many times I'll have parental guilt for some reason or another (either appropriate or not).

We're now officially on vacation! We're heading to Iowa on Tuesday, a road trip! We'll see family and friends... I can't wait.






Oh, one more thing. We're calling it official. Gus has said his first word (again and again, so it's proven...)!


It's the sweetest thing I've ever been called.

Posted by janna at August 20, 2004 10:40 PM