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August 09, 2004

Oh, Elusive Cherrio

Oh Cherrio, Oh Cherrio, why art thou so difficult to grasp?

You gather before me, round upon round
I sneak up behind you with nary a sound

Out comes my hand, with all good intent
Closing upon you, to my belly you'll be sent

But no, Oh Cherrio, you will not have it
You fall to the ground, there you will sit

We laugh, Oh Cherrio, for you do not know
That into Zeppo's belly for sure you will go

Wait, there you teeter, on the edge of my mouth
Will you go into the deep or take another trip south?

Ah, yes, there you go, single but devine
Gustav's first Cherrio, so very sublime.

(and he didn't choke like I thought he would!)

Gus is eight months old now. Eight WHOLE months. I remember wondering what eight months would be like. I felt like he would be in high school by now, but he's still my precious little peanut. So talkative! He says so many things, with so much emotion, you just can't wait until you share the same language.

Gus loves to stand up, so much so that in his little bouncy bumper jumper hanging thing in the door he stands much more than he actually jumps (but when he jumps he's like an incredible Russian ballerina, doing that crazy jump-cross-the-legs-and-feet-a-gazillion-times-before-falling-to-the-ground thing). I love him so.

The hair! So blonde, and getting thicker each day.

The sleep? Amazing. Even naps during the day with us, in his crib, which didn't happen as much in the past. Strangely, now that I can sleep, I find myself more tired than I have been since before I had Gus. Maybe my body is realizing how much sleep I didn't have and is feeling resentful and demanding I make up for it. Full disclosure: I went to bed at 8:30 on Friday night, 9:00 on Saturday night... but then I go to bed at like 11:30 or 12 any other work night. Uh, hello?

Eating! and Eating! and Eating! The boy can pack it away, and who can blame him? He's growing like a weed. For example, yesterday he had a scrambled egg yolk and banana + cereal for breakfast, maybe 2/3 cup of sweet potatoes for lunch, 2/3 cup cauliflower/squash combo for dinner, some peaches and cereal for a snack between lunch and dinner AND he still nurses. Definitely not as much as before, but he drinks a whole bunch still at daycare, so pumping at work is still very lucrative for us. Luckily I'm down to twice a day, most of the time, so that adds to my sanity. We're trying more finger food types of things, but Gus doesn't seem to get that these things can be eaten. He'd rather growl at them and move them around.

Sitting! Gus is sitting up on his own, although he isn't pushing himself up to sitting. When he's on the ground, he's off to the rolling races, so you have to really watch him now. He can make it across the room very quickly, and has discovered cords (which means it is REALLY time to safety proof the house). When he's on his belly, he turns himself around in circles, and he's starting to push himself backwards when he's on the wood floor (hey, we try to keep him on our itty bitty rug, but the world is so much bigger and exciting than that rug...)

Did I mention he talks in his sleep sometimes? Heart-melting stuff, I tell you.

Here's Gus and Miles and Elodia at Miles' one year birthday party. Miles and Gus go to daycare together. Elodia is one of the wonderful women there that takes care of Gus. When Elodia says BAILAR (dance) in Spanish, Gus goes crazy. He loves her, and Christy, who owns the place. He loves all the women there. That makes this whole working thing so much easier, I tell you.

Gus + Elodia + Miles


Gus + Christy... not sure what either are doing!


Posted by janna at August 9, 2004 10:13 PM