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August 15, 2004

Not good.

We think Gus has hand, food & mouth disease.

From what I've learned (I love the Internet!), it's fairly common, comes in epidemic waves about every three years, usually in the summer and fall here in the States, is highly contagious but there is really not much you can do except minimize the pain and potential fever. Two kids at daycare had it, and we hoped Gus missed out on the fun. But the past couple of days we noticed he was chewing on his lip. We thought he was just teething; in fact, it looked like he was giving himself littel hickies on his lower lip. Then this morning we saw the little bastard...there it was, a full-blown cancersore like thing on my little peanut's lips. No wonder he was kind of off today, getting up so early. Outside of the obvious discomfort of the sore on his mouth, he might get a fever, but he still seems pretty happy. Bad thing: he can't go to daycare for a couple of days. Give me an A... "a".... give me an R... "r"... give me a G ... "g"... give me an H... "h"...

What's that spell?

Life. It just goes to show you truly cannot plan for most things. There are too many variables, too many possible combinations of things. For example, to just catch the train in the morning on time, about 25 things need to happen, in order and correctly, in order for that to happen. You're right to think, "'It's just the train! Go to your car, get in and drive..." But what if the garbage truck is in the alley? What if you forgot Gustav's milk? What if you forgot yourself???

But you know what? He is a happy little guy and despite all the craziness I think we're doing a good job at giving him the impression that all is smooth as silk. I guess we'll find out when he's 25 and taking us on the Oprah show as examples of parents who create chaos... tee hee.

Posted by janna at August 15, 2004 04:47 PM