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August 03, 2004

Happy Birthday, John

Last Thursday was John's 30th birthday.


The big THREE OH.

The challenge for myself: could I buy 30 gifts for 30 bucks? Yes! It wasn't necessarily about quality, but quantity.


One of the gifts was candles. John wasn't so happy that he had graduated to needing two packs of candles. It will be okay, John.


We decided to take the day off, but still take Gus to daycare so we could have a day together. A full day together! We haven't been out for that long (eight hours) without Gus...ever. I mean, we've both been to work, but not out together. It was really nice to be alone (I love you, Gus!) and just play.

First we went downtown to Lou Mitchell's for breakfast. It's a great diner, with good greasy food. We sat at the counter, read the paper, and revealed in our free-ness: We're not working! And we have both hands to eat with!

We then walked to the new Millenium Park...wow. Here is where the camera came out in full force. I love being a tourist in my own city.

The face video fountains...It was great watching the kids wait in anticipation of the coming water. There were two video screens with different faces.


After about three minutes, the face would change from this:


To this:


Here's the BEAN! It's still under construction, you can see the welding marks, but it is amazing.




After the park, SPIDERMAN II! A movie. A complete, whole movie, full of a large diet coke, stadium seating and me constantly whispering to John, "That's so cool!"

We picked up Gus a little early. John decided he wanted to run a lap around the high school track, just to show he could...


Go, John, Go! We're your biggest fans.


Happy Birthday!

Posted by janna at August 3, 2004 09:14 PM


Happy, Happy Birthday, John! Wow, 30 years old! How cool is that? In my business, well, lets just say that you are still just a kid. What is really cool to me is that Gus is basically the same age Alex was when I turned 30! What a great time to be a parent. I was not too old to still enjoy every single moment including the "no sleep" nights and yet I was old enough to remember to appreciate every single moment. I sometimes think younger parents might not "get that" whole concept. I was also old enough to worry way too much about parenting when younger parents were enjoying things a little more because they didn't worry so much. It was a nice trade off and I am happy to be looking at the website and viewing what your 30th birthday was like. Running around the track, huh? Just wait till next year and Gus will lap you, Dad! Hopefully, when he is 16 and you are my age, they will not be naming a hurricane after him! :>) Gus, you sure are a handsome guy, just like your Daddy, and it looks like you all 3 really enjoyed his day. Take care, love you all. Hey, I would love to make it there sometime and see all the sights before it is too cold. Mostly, I would enjoy spending some time with you and your parents. Take care love, Aunt Deb

Posted by: Aunt Deb at August 4, 2004 10:56 AM

I posted a birthday message for John, however, it is not showing up. I will wait a day and repost if needed. I was able to bring up the test when I push the comments button, however, it doesn't show a (1) next to comments. let me know if I need to repost. thanks love, deb

Posted by: Aunt Deb at August 4, 2004 11:13 AM