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July 25, 2004

What good does the paper do?

Gus went to the doctor's on Friday for his monthly check-up. He has now officially graduated to the every two-month check-up.

That means he's growing up.

You know that paper they put over the exam tables? That thin, white, crinkly, loud paper that protects the patient? Who the heck thought that it would truly work with an infant? Seriously... imagine the scene:

I put Gus on his back. Two seconds later he is on his belly, practically off the table. I cannot blink with this boy. He is on the move. Whilst on belly, boy recognizes wonderful crinkly properties of paper. Must...grab...eat....mouth...arghhhhmmmm...roll roll roll.....wrap..self...ayeyeeeeee!!!

Then picture Mama (that's me) trying to pick up said boy without also taking the paper (that's still attached to the big roll under the table), trying to say "no eating paper" through tears of laughter, trying to untangle as boy practices his high-pitched screams that echo (as he's discovered), all the while trying to smooth out the unsmoothable paper and place boy back on paper as if nothing has happened and as if no one will notice the destruction.

This happened again. and again. and again.

Thanks for the real from-the-belly/soul laughs, Gus.

Here are the stats:

19 lbs - still 50th percentile on the chart o' baby growth
28 1/4 in- still 90th percentile

It wasn't as big a leap as last month, but that makes sense. He started solids last month. The doc was pleased with his consistent growth, his eating, and his overall health.

Gus loves to stand up. He seems quite excited and proud as he does it too!



Posted by janna at July 25, 2004 10:03 AM


Gus, you are such a handsome little "man!" I am so surprised every time I see a new picture of you. I swear you look like you are ready for preschool. I can't imagine you wearing any of the things that I found for you because they are so babyish and you look so "little boy" now. Good for you, buddy! I never understood that paper deal at the Dr.'s office either. I mean, honestly, how is that a protective barrier? One drop of drool or any other excrement and it disolves instantly, right? I remember Alex doing the same thing with the paper. How funny. I haven't told you lately, Gus, but I am thinking that you bear a strong resemblance to your Daddy with your Mommy's hair, complexion and overall color! How cute! Who woulda thunk it? Genetics are a strange and wonderful thing. Keep growing, and hopefully, some day soon, we will be up to see you. love you all, Aunt Deb

Posted by: Aunt Deb at July 25, 2004 11:29 AM