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July 17, 2004

apples are sour.

It's easy to forget how sour something is until you see someone experience sour for the first time.


Gus, Gus, Gus. How can you be this little boy already? How can you be eating apples, grunting for more, albeit hesitantly. What happened to your dark hair? Was it a farce, a baby toupee meant to confuse your parents?

We're well into our solid food stint. (I just got this sensation that I haven't written in a very long time...). We've become pros at making baby food. It's actually much easier than it seems. We buy veggies in bulk, steam the snot out of them *pardon me* and then puree, puree, puree. Who knew there would be such joy in filling up ice cube trays with mush? And who knew that pureed cauliflower could really make you lo-carbers happy as a mashed potato substitute? The joys of puree!

We originally went full force with the solids because I wasn't able to provide 21 ounces of milk for daycare a day without being connected to the pump. Gus is still drinking quite a bit of milk, somewhere between 13 and 17 ounces, but it's getting less. I'm able to pump twice at work now, which is such a relief to me. I've struggled with the urge to quit, but anytime I think of quitting, I just walk down the formula aisle and see how expensive it is and I am motivated once again. I've gotten this far, not much farther now.

Look at this kid... can't you see the ten-year-old in him?


The boy is waiting for me to just turn my head for a second so he can start crawling. The minute you put Gus on the floor, he starts rolling in all directions. He really tries to make a path towards you or an object, so he has this great way of using his right leg pulled under him a bit, pushing off, then kind of rolling on his side...so hard to explain, but let's just say it's like Gus is slithering towards you. Am I ready for mobility?


We're working on sleeping through the night. It's going to be a hard road, but I think Gus will have much better sleep soon. Sometimes he wakes up once, sometimes twice. Nothing seems predictable!

Here's Gus with Grandma Shirley last week...he misses her.



Posted by janna at July 17, 2004 12:12 AM