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May 17, 2004

...But he was STILL hungry

The onesie Gus had on today was perfect.

It was an Eric Carle one, with pieces of food lined in a row, each with a hole through them, the plump catepillar still needing and wanting more.

Gustav needs more...and more... and more.

We've started cereal again, this time with a double vengence. It's a morning and evening thing we'rer hoping for. Gus has been waking up a lot at night, hungry. He's eating 22 ounces at daycare. I'm sitting here during my 6th pumping session of the day, nodding off, willing myself to make more. I'm only to 17 total today, having used two for cereal this evening. In this state of dysfunctional awakeness, I am wondering why I can't just skip the cereal and puree a big turkey leg or porterhouse steak. Those would certainly help curb his appetite, at least for an hour, no?

This evening we went for a walk. Gus is no longer in his infant carrier since we had to buy him a real car seat. Tonight was the first time he just sat directly in his stroller. Gus loved it. I felt like he was a little boy, not a little baby. We have an amazing thing happening around our house. A cardinal pair have made a nest in a bush or tree next to our house. We're not certain of its location, but we see them all the time. When we came back from our walk, we had no idea that we had just walked into an incredible teaching situation. We first saw a baby cardinal on the basement window sill next to the sidewalk. We went in our back yard and saw the parents flying around on the other side of the house. We thought they were looking for the babe. I was willing them to see him or hear him on the other side. He was still when we came by. He looked at us, but did not move. The mama bird finally flew over and 'found' the baby. Or so I thought. Then I realized what was happening... there was a baby cardinal on each side of our house, each learning how to fly. Once the mama found the baby, he suddenly made squeaks, he flapped his little wings, he sprang a few feet into the air. The parents flew back and forth between each baby, each time coming close to the babe, squaking instructions, showing them how to do it.

They were learning to fly tonight. It was amazing.

The vulnerability of it...letting the babies out of the nest, because you have to, it's what you do. Not only do you give instructions, but you also teach by example. I tried to imagine what mama and papa were saying to each other as they passed each other back and forth over the house. 'Papa, you be on the lookout for cats, dive bomb them if you see them...' or 'Baby, you're so close, keep trying!'

I don't know if they fully flew tonight. It made me so nervous, I almost don't want to know.

Posted by janna at May 17, 2004 11:27 PM