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March 06, 2004

Three months old!

Today Gustav is officially three months old!

This pic was taken a few minutes ago.


It's been amazing to watch Gus grow. Mornings are still his happiest and most alert, although that seems to be extending to more of the day. We usually are up with him around 5:30 and talk and play with him until 6. It's my favorite part of the day because he just flails his legs, coos, and is really interactive.

When Gus is on his belly he easily moves his head back and forth really quickly. When on his back, Gus pulls his legs up to his chest and is seeming to try to build up momentum for turning over. He can move from his back to his side, and sometimes he the goes on his belly, but I don't think it qualifies as an official roll over. Am I wrong?

He's very engaged when we talk to him and he seems to be picking up the concept of conversation; that is, he's starting to get the whole cause and effect of it. When he makes noise, we respond, and he gets excited by that.

Daycare is also going well. He seems to really love the women there, and Christy, the woman who runs the place, seems taken with Gus. He's eating about 16 oz. of milk, up 4 oz from when we started. That means more pumping, but it's worth it. I'm finally in a routine now with pumping at work, and have found a place where I can plug in my laptop and continue working as I pump. Such a multitasker. I'm just glad that I work at a place that is very supportive of me continuing to nurse Gus.

Poop is an elusive thing these days, I must say. We went from five a day, to one a day, to now waiting anxiously for one to show up after four days. He doesn't seem to be in pain or anything, I think we're more anxious about it than he is, but it might just be how his body is working these days. I even cut out dairy for a while, thinking maybe he was having difficulty with the dairy I was eating, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. There may be no problem! He is taking medicine for thrush, so I wonder about that, too... he still has a cold, but it seems to get better on some days. We go to the doctor next Wednesday for his 3 month check up and shots. Fun fun.

Tonight John and I are going out to dinner and Ben and Maddie are watching Gus. Our first night out!

We're going to try to get some video of him up here so we can preserve his wonderful soundmaking skills!

Posted by janna at March 6, 2004 05:09 PM


Happy to tell you,that you are wrong about the roll over. Any time Mr. Gustav starts out on his back and ends up on the tummy, (sans parental helpp)it is official. Even if there is a brief pause on the side. At least that is what the nurse practitioners will tell you. Way to go, Gus! By the way, this child is looking more and more like his Mommy these days. How cute! He will probably start looking like John again soon, but this change has been fun to watch. take care, love you all. Deb

Posted by: Aunt Deb at March 8, 2004 05:37 AM