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March 21, 2004

Oh hair, where are you going?

All three of us are suffering hair loss in one form or another.

Gustav is experiencing some thinning of his beautiful locks, mainly around the top, while all along the hairline it's as long as ever.

My hair is just shedding like mad. I thought that was supposed to happen while I was pregnant, but what do I know about hormones.

The most dramatic hair loss of all...



During...or after? I'll leave you to wonder.


Yesterday we had a pact. We decided we would not put Gus in the car. It has been so long since we've just stayed home. Such a relief. We took a two-hour walk and Gus slept in the Bjorn the whole time. Zeppo was so happy, too. Happy spring!

Last Thursday we were fortunate enough to take part in a surprise birthday party for Alex. Gus was passes around, and he took it all very well. Here's Gus with the birthday boy...



Posted by janna at March 21, 2004 07:57 AM