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December 10, 2003

Gus is four days old!

The pace of parenthood is much different than that of bedrest. Now when I sit on the couch, I don't have this big belly full of squirmy baby, I have a baby sleeping on my lap. There are always the standard concerns during our waking hours...is his hat on? Is he breathing? Will there or will there not be poop in the diaper? Is he getting enough to eat? Could we possibly love him any more than we already do? We are in awe, pure awe. I look at John with Gus and see him in this new light...I mean, he's a dad, we're parents together...It's so amazing that life allows you to make babies together!

Gus has taken to the outside world like a trooper. He's been a sleeper so far, often we have to wake him up to feed him, but when he's alert, he's VERY alert, moving his eyes all around. It almost seems like he's trying to track things that move, but we do know that light fascinates him. He often wakes up in the morning and just looks around. He's eating really well (and in turn, my body is adjusting...I feel I could feed the world right now, how does the body know what to do, all is cause and effect). Let's just say I'm, ummm, buxom and I'm 100% positive that I've NEVER ever been called buxom in my life.

Mom is here visiting, which is so wonderful. Unfortunately, her and I have come down with some kind of scratchy throat, coughy sinusey thing. Perfect for being around newborn children. Let's just say that there is a lot of handwashing, humidifying and kissing of baby toes rather than face going on here.

Here's a picture of Gus' first sponge bath at home. I think green might be a good color for him, so handsome.


Gus and I


What new things will Gus learn today???

Posted by janna at December 10, 2003 10:39 AM


I really love this picture of you two together. I think he looks like both of you, but the best part of any of these pictures is seeing how happy and enamored both you and John look when you are holding Gus. I remember those days as if they were yesterday. Cant wait to meet Baby Gus.

Posted by: Aunt Deb (the good one) at December 16, 2003 08:04 AM

I just want to cry... Janna and John, I haven't been wanting to call too much, because I just can't even imagine what that first weeks and all these amazing moments must be like !!! This website is AWESOME.. wonderful pictures and all of the thoughts and perspectives .. you are going to CHERISH these records and it keeps us all in the loop too... LOVE IT and GUS ... he is SO beautiful - just can't even believe this miracle is here. We love you so MUCH - lauri and brian

Posted by: Aunt Lauri at December 16, 2003 09:03 PM