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November 06, 2003

Week 33!

We've made it to week 33, so fantastic! We're very thankful Baby D has decided to stick it out in his little house rather than coming early. That means three more weeks of taking Terbutaline, the med that is keeping my contractions down. To be precise, I only need to take it for 19 more days. While it makes me nervous to think about what can happen after stopping the meds (I know I will eventually be having a baby, no doubt, but hopefully he'll give me a little break afterwards), I can't wait to potentially sleep through the night without having to wake up to 3 am alarms to pop a pill. John doesn't seem to think I'll be sleeping through the night anyway, which is probably true.

I do wake up a lot these days. Acid reflux is not my friend these past few weeks, and who knows where my bladder is in there...I must say, though, I think I'm sleeping pretty well despite it all.

Baby D is still extremely active. I'm wondering if he has flipped, with his face facing to my back, because today I felt more movement in my back than i had. It's hard to tell. We went for our weekly check up yesterday, and things look good. My uterus measured 33 cm (right on date), Baby D's hearbeat was good, 148, and my blood pressure is totally normal. Phew. Last week I did have a couple of nights where I had a lot of contractions in a row, which really concerned me. I did not want to go in if I didn't need to. When I talked to my doc about it yesterday, she said we needed to be sure the contractions weren't coming more than four times in an hour for more than an hour. Apparently your body can become used to Terbutaline and the contractions can break through. Hold on, Terbutaline, not much longer now!

Posted by janna at November 6, 2003 05:43 PM