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November 19, 2003

Oh My God!

Okay, folks... we're 35 weeks officially, one week away from stopping the medicine, from letting Baby D do what he wants to do. Apparently Baby D is getting a little anxious!

Monday night I was having a lot of contractions despite my medication. Tuesday morning I decided to call my doc to see what she thought. She said that since I never call her, something has definitely changed so she sent me into the hospital to be hooked up to a monitor to see how things were going. If my cervix was changing because of the contractions, it was possible that they would try to give me something else stronger to hold him in for another week. We went in, were hooked up for an hour, and found that while I was having irregular contractions, they weren't causing my cervix to change and I wasn't dilated. I was able to go home, yippee! We realized that morning that we didn't have a bag packed for the hospital, and really was a wake up call that this was real!!

I still experienced contractions last night, but didn't go back in...

This morning we went to our weekly appointment. Our doc checked again and said, yeah, you're a little over one cm dilated. Uh, what??? So, the contractions are doing some work, apparently. Wow. Doc said she'd like baby to hang on for another six days, to get to 36 weeks, so I'm going to take it EXTRA easy this week, laid out, trying to get a bunch of work done. We left the office just staring at each other. I really felt like I felt the night we found out we were pregnant...teary eyed, overwhelmed, in disbelief...is this really happening? Can we mentally prepare any more than we have? What's left to do? Could we be parents in a week or two? Doc isn't worried about us having a Christmas baby anymore... :)

Posted by janna at November 19, 2003 11:58 AM