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October 04, 2003

Making our home safer, that's John.

Happy Saturdays...after a "cheating" trip to Dunkin Donuts for apple fritters and hot chocolate (I just sat in the car, we drove through, baby seemed happy with it all), we're now back home. John is now putting the carpet on our ladder-type stairs. We have, amazingly, not suffered any bumpy trips up nor down, but with baby coming, we thought it high time to decrease that risk until we can totally tear out and redo the stairs. Good man, John is...The work is slightly monotonous, so John is taking breaks between stairs to talk to the plants, change the music on the iPod, and entertain me.


Baby D is breakdancing this morning. Every morning I wake up and feel like there is no possible way my belly could get any bigger. I'm sure Baby D is hoping that is NOT the case, as he is certainly growing. The other night I dreamt that I had him. No labor pain, he just showed up looking like he had just been born. I picked him up and was wiping the goo off his face and he started laughing! I remember thinking, what a wonderful beginning!

Posted by janna at October 4, 2003 01:01 PM