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October 22, 2003

He's apparently big-headed

We went in today for our weekly check-up. I'm 31 weeks as of yesterday, and my uterus measured 32 cm. I have a baby in that belly! The doc looked at the results of the ultrasound from last week. Apparently baby's head is measuring big, 32 or 33 weeks in measurement, and his body is measuring at the rate appropriate to my week. To make sure we're not dealing with a lack of growth, we'll have another ultrasound next Wednesday. I'm not worried about this right now, as it's possible the head measurement wasn't accurate. I'm just looking at this as an opportunity to see Baby D one more time, lucky us! He's moving a lot, which is a good sign, and his kicks are certainly packing a punch.

Since I'm not out in the world very much, it's so funny to me to see strangers react to my pregnancy. After the OB appt, I went next door to my primary doc to get a flu shot. As I was sitting the waiting room, a woman came up to me to show me a picture from a magazine. It was that famous picture of a surgery that was being performed in utero on a 21 week old baby. Her hand is coming out of the exposed uterus and clasped the enormous surgeon's finger. Right after she showed me, I was called in for the shot...the woman said, oh shoot, disappointed I had to go in. It was very sweet.

Posted by janna at October 22, 2003 06:56 PM