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October 30, 2003

Good news!

Just talked to our doc...she looked at the results of the ultrasound, and based on the analysis, it looks like there's nothing to worry about. What it may suggest is that baby is further on than we initially thought. Based on his cumulative size right now, his due date would be 12/11. It's hard to do ultrasounds at this time because baby sizes are so variable. I don't need to have that ultrasound in two weeks after all. I'm both disappointed and happy...disappointed because it's so cool to see him, happy because there's no cause for us to have one.

I really felt a rush after hearing that...makes me want to file away all the piles paper I have accumulated, read read read books, really start knitting baby's blanket, finish john's hat... nesting??

We're going to interview a daycare provider tonight. John printed off a checklist that we found so we make sure we ask the right questions. Yikes!

Posted by janna at October 30, 2003 05:20 PM