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October 29, 2003

Big-headed, part deux

Today we went in for another ultrasound. Baby D is definitely growing!

When I was 30 weeks:
Head = 33 weeks!
Torso= 31 weeks!
Femur (thigh bone)= 30 weeks!
Weight= 3 lbs 7 oz, +-10 oz

Now, when I'm 32 weeks:
Head = 35 weeks!
Torso= 33 weeks!
Femur (thigh bone)= 32 weeks!
Weight= 4 lbs 11 oz, +-10 oz or so

Folks, what we have here is a baby with a big, smart brain. There are plenty of big-headed, smart people in both of our families. Our doc thinks we will continue to monitor it (she hasn't seen the official report yet to really comment). Her initial reaction is we'll have another ultrasound in two weeks (on November 12th) and see where we are then. If baby hasn't come on his own accord at 39 weeks, and growth is still going at this rate, we may want to consider inducing. My guess so far is that he'll come after December 10th. I have absolutely no prior experience to base this on, so take it for what it's worth! Let's just say I hope he stays in his nice little home at least until then.

His head is down, and he's facing up (so if you looked straight into my stomach, you'd see him upside down, facing you). It really explains the incredibly powerful, visible movement across my belly. At least he isn't floating his head all around, tee hee. We got some great pictures (I know, we need to post them!), including a shot of a foot with a great big toe, an arm, his face and a close up of his hair! It looks like he has a little soft spike. His little nose is so cute!

Posted by janna at October 29, 2003 07:02 PM